17 Mart 2015 Salı


Nowadays leadership is one of the most popular words in business. Do you want to learn how definition of leadership evolved?

Between  1900 and 1929 leadership was control and centralization of power which would be domination of the leader and obedience of the followers. In 1930s Moore claimed that leadership is less domination but more about influencing attitudes and activities of the many people. So, personal traits of the leader were emphasized. Hemphill defined  leadership  as the directive behaviors of one individual  when he/she  is involved in a group activity in 1949.   Then developing shared goals added to the group theory in 1950s.  When we reach 1960s the leadership definition becomes “acts by persons which influence other persons in a shared direction”. Next decade it doesn’t change much and explained as initiation and maintenance of  groups  or organizations to accomplish shared  goals. In 1980s leadership was based on four terms: leadership wishes, influence, traits, and transformation.

Today leadership is defined as a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.

Source: Leadership Theory and Practice, Peter G. Northouse,  SAGE Publications, Inc. 2013. Chapter 1